Video Production to promote properties for rent or sale is a great marketing tool in which to invest and achieves great results on many levels.

It pays to collect video clips of your property taken at different times of the year for a more thorough promotional package. Such images can be most valuable, especially if you decide to sell in the colder months and wish to show off gardens, blossoms, and greenery. Don’t fuss about providing photographs and video clips that don’t have good composition as cropping images to achieve a pleasing composition that tells the best story is second nature at Useful Real Estate Marketing Services.

Also, don’t worry about submitting clips that are very short as most clips get cut down to just a few seconds anyway. Still photographs can be given life by zooming in and out and panning left and right to make for a more interesting video. There are lots of little things that can be done to make the video look more professional and aesthetically pleasing including adding new logos and graphics designed by the company, again creating valuable marketing tools to be used throughout the marketing campaign.

It is a good idea to link to other videos that can help sell the beauty, and good vibrations of a neighbourhood so the potential clients can see all the advantages and offerings available should they choose to move there. Linking to such videos just might be the deciding factor in a transaction.

These days, overhead drone footage is almost expected and will do wonders to really convey the overview of the property and surrounding land. Even providing a Google Earth link can be most valuable. Even if it cannot zone in for a close-up of the property, it can provide a realistic impression of the neighbourhood, property size and alignment, thus educating potential buyers before they even show up for an actual viewing.

Here are samples of videos produced by Useful Real Estate Marketing Services:

This video was made from photographs supplied by the client.
The ‘Vancouver Sights and Highlights’ video was made entirely from researched stock photography.