Newsletters can be a great tool to provide regular, multi-media online or hard-copy contact with your potential and established real estate clients. They can be effective in generating stronger relationships with existing clients and attracting new potential business.

An e-newsletter can set the stage for effective marketing of a property and neighbourhood, making the task easier on many levels. Building a solid client base has many advantages which can pay off in the end, including creating as sense of credibility by providing valuable industry and market insight and content.

Newsletters are a great platform to help manage real estate based databases, making new campaigns and announcements a breeze. As social media is paramount in marketing, finding the right platform to share information is essential.

A newsletter can include pictures, videos, markets statistics and updates, links, reports, trends, descriptions and contact info. Whether it is a residential or commercial properties for sale, rent or still in development, is available on a local or  international basis, sharing details and creating a strong impression using a newsletter is most advantageous.

There are many newsletter platforms from which to choose. An initial template and profile can be created and updated to suit each issue, creating continuity and a sense of community. Many online content platforms provide templates already designed for marketing real estate, making the task super easy.

If you need help designing or coming up with content, or formatting your own content, for your newsletters, just ask. We are happy to create blogs celebrating success stories; posing and answering questions from a potential property owner’s point of view; come up with appealing infographics; helpful ways to best market a property and its neighbourhood and more. Always remember, “a picture says a thousand word” and a eye-catching video can be even more valuable, especially if drone footage is offered.